Who We Are
Our mission statement:
- To be a catalyst for like minded organizations and individuals
- To harness the power of the resistance against racism where ever it applies.
- To galvanize the political forces of Black, Indigenous and people of colour by becoming a base of information through activity.
- To aid in the educational process needed to enlighten the general population
- To deliver educational events to a variety of communities from those who are experienced and knowledgeable within their respective fields
- To learn and grow with those in the struggle against racism and discrimination.
- To become a broad base, in order to primarily support Indigenous and Black people's struggle.
- To become the change that we need and encourage ALL to do the same.
- To acknowledge that “An Injury to One is an Injury to ALL.
. Meet our executive team .
Chair/Executive Director - Steve September
Secretary - Jaclyn Barkase
Treasurer - Dehara September
Chair of Labour Outreach- Carmen Charles Mclaren
Chair of Social Outreach - Xhalida September
Chair of Education - Regina Abernathy
Directors at Large:
Linda Epp - Indigenous Relations
Christianne P - Restorative Justice
John Nweke - Mental Health
Parsa Alirezaei - International Justice
Nicholas Bosman - Youth Creativity (Music)
Kajan Johnston - Sports Liaison
Tyler Lynch - International Outreach
Xavier Thompson - AV/Media